Thursday, December 02, 2004

Top ten reasons to just get pizza in the end

1. Tastes right
2. Fills up
3. Is not a salad
4. Will not leave you regretting the nasty corn chowder you just ate
5. Will not leave you wondering if you actually ate, or was that Sushi imaginary
6. Most people can be easily convinced of its merits
7. the texture and style
8. easy to walk with
9. its everywhere
10. cheap

Apparently I'm in a deeply introspective and analytic mood today.


DCBCooper said...

Prepping for Greg's place tonight, no?

Sooz said...

Oh no! I forgot about pizza there too! I had it for lunch! Two pizzas in one day? Can I handle it? The answer is yes.

Jay said...

I think that with very little convincing, pizzaism could be a real rival for the top 3 big religions.

Jay said...

Thank you for not calling it Za.

emily said...

Za? Oh, I get it. But still...what?

emily said...

Well ish...can I watch?

emily said...

Some pizza would finish my day off just right. As well as a pitcher of beer. And some sex.