Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Katie, Katie, Katie

I love you for this sort of thing. In a W magazine interview, Katie said...

"Tom is the most incredible man in the world."

So, I've compiled a list of other men in the world who apparently fall just short of the mark....

The Dalai Lama
Nelson Mandela
Lance Armstrong
My dad
Jimmy Carter
Xi Shun
The Pope
Kofi Annan

....and I'm sure you can think of a few more. Unless that's it. There's probably only a few who are more incredible than Tom Cruise. I've stuck to the living ones, for all our sakes.


Anonymous said...

You see, Sooz, good men are so hard to find that compared to the general male public, Tom Kat seems like the greatest man alive.

JC Represent!

Anonymous said...

I write this lest we forget the elegant nobility that is Scott Baio. Can Tom Cruise really top 'Charles In Charge'? I don't know about Katie Holmes but I want Charles In Charge of me.