Thursday, November 17, 2005

What I just did

While passing a conference room (in use) I noticed some very small figures playing on some very precarious scaffolding outside the window. Thinking them to be children (because they were very small!) 20 stories high, I rushed into the conference, saying "I don't think those kids should be playing on that!" as if I were about to dial 911. They all looked out the window.
"Those are adults."
"Are you sure?" I looked closer.
They were. They just looked small because they were far away. And they were hammering things. Workers.
"Oh. Carry on. My apologies," and I backed out of the room.

If I can escalate drama in my head that much, then I have a feeling this IS the perfect man for me. He is tender and morose! And doesn't care that I'm poor, okay?

1 comment:

DCBCooper said...

Talent. True talent.