Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ever had a day where you felt a little bit like this?


emily said...

I can't get into this whole winter clothes thing. It's so fucking cold here that I basically want to wear a snowsuit all the time. However, I work at an art school so I feel this pressure to not only look professional enough to seperate myself from the students, but to look cool enough that the students like me. Pair that complex with the need for a significantly high core body temperature and you end up with the picture above.

Sooz said...

She looks like she's gonna cry. And I think it has something to do with the costume she's wearing. And because nobody else is wearing a costume, and Brad Popular isn't wearing a knight's full set of armor like he said he would, so maybe he doesn't in fact love renaissances festivals, as he said he did in the cafeteria.