Monday, August 21, 2006


A month ago I was walking with a friend down Mercer and I saw this couple. The fellow (I HAVE to call him that) was wearing some sort of sweater vest, and jauntily weaved in front of his girlfriend. You know those people who look like they're from The Great Gatsby and they're proud of it, and 2006 is so stupid? Its an expensive trust fund look; it involves blue blood and pale colors.
I grabbed my friend and said "look, we got us a couple of dandies here." like an S.E. Hinton novel.

Well on Saturday I ran into this friend again and she was VERY excited to tell me a story. She said "On the train on the way here, I saw that couple again! The dandies! And get this. They were wearing matching seersucker!" I laughed. We were at a performance series called Catch at Galapagos and my friend had been carrying two props for her show: Badminton rackets. She excitedly explained that the Seersuckers noticed her badminton rackets, and approached her on the train. The man said "those are some nice badminton rackets. You know I play badminton." Somehow, she did know that he "played" badminton. Of course he did. I love people who just prefer to live in a different decade.

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