Friday, May 19, 2006


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22–Jan. 19): An old African proverb says that cattle are wealth, and there are no cattle without dung. This idea is applicable to you right now. The source of your greatest riches has produced some waste matter that needs to be cleaned up. Ironically, if you act expeditiously, the waste matter could be turned into more riches. Take a hint from the Masai people, who use cattle dung as plaster in building their homes. The scent helps keep lions, who dislike it, from venturing too close.

Ew, no thanks. Guess who else it keeps from venturing too close? Sooz. Sooz the Lion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whoever told this woman she was good at a) writing, and b) reading the stars was wrong, wrong, wrong. it was probably her mom.