Tuesday, February 13, 2007


(Well, it turns out I am able to blog anyways. I thought I would get a firewall b/c my firm firewalls gmail.)

So today the mail room guy came up to me and said, "Fifteen."
I said "Fifteen?"
And he said "Fifteen for Bob Lastname" (name protected).
I said "Fifteen what?"
to which he replied "fifteen."
I looked around for some clues. I saw a box of flowers. Oh!
"Fifteen Roses? Fifteen flowers?"
"No," he said. "Fifteen pieces."
And I said "Pieces of mail?"
And he said, "yeah, fifteen for Bob"
And I said "ok, so you're telling me there are fifteen pieces of mail today for Bob Lastname?" and he said "yeah, they're on his desk."


This reminds me of the "what region are we in" lady. For those of you haven't heard this story yet:

A consultant approached my desk with a piece of paper in her hand. She said "What region are we in?" and I said "region?" and she said "yeah." I said "I...I don't understand what you're asking me." She said "Is it New York?" I was flabbergasted. Did she mean "state" when she said "region?" Or was she referring to where her head was at? I tried to take a peek at the paper in her hand. She hid it from my eyes. Then she said "Its New York" and walked away.

Now back to the mail guy b/c I just remembered he's done this kind of thing before. One day (Friday before a holiday) at 12:00 Noon, when picking up the mail, he said "Is this it?" and I said "Is what it?" He said "Is this it for today?" and I said "for mail? Are you asking me if that is the only mail we will send today?" And he said "yeah." I said "No. We will definitely have more mail today." And he said "we close at 3:00" and I said "OH. Ok, I'll let people know."

One more thing about being an admin. Sometimes people call me and ask where "the meeting" is. Or what time "the meeting" is. This would be ok if we were on a tv sitcom about "an office" or if we were children playing "office" and there was only one "meeting" and we all knew where "the files" were, and "the report" was due before 5.


emily said...


Read my blog. You've been tagged.


Dave said...

My lastname is Lastname (pr: Lahst-nahm-ay)