Thursday, November 18, 2004

R Kelly lyrics

Ya know how R Kelly says "after the party is the afterparty"? And then he says"after that is the hotel lobby?" Well for me, it goes "after that is the Q train running in two sections, the second section departing Atlantic-Pacific at 1:30 a.m. packed full to standing room only. And by "room" I mean no room. Speaking of "standing room only," this show that I am in on Saturday just might get past maximum capacity. And then there will surely be a fire. This place is a basement. Very, very deep in the ground. We will all just roast in it like an oven. And now I'm reminded of that hilarious Onion article about the dance club that burned to the ground. The article stated that a good samaritan tried to warn the dancers by shouting at the crowd "The roof! The roof! The roof is on fire!" But all they did was call back to him "We don't need no water, let the motherfucker burn!" Random event: Arriving late at work this morning, I passed a man delivering boxes and smiled kindly at him. He said "I would let you buy me coffee, but I'm busy." I just stared at him. Then I started laughing on the elevator.

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