Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Shine on you crazy diamond

I just got back from my grandmother's memorial service. There were several family members slotted to speak in the "remembrances" section, but nobody was prepared for the length and breadth of my grandfather's eulogy. He had notecards. He started at the beginning, which was actually the months and days leading up to when he first met my grandma. He continued through their entertaining and highly detailed first encounter, and on to the next day, and the second date, and all the dates thereafter.... including their wedding, births of their children, and after 1 and a half hours, he said "The year was now 1959." I passed through many stages: Obvsiously tears and laughter caused by the stories themselves, but also amazement, laughter again, awe, impatience, and then a sort of zen-like state, where I told myself "I might still be here, sitting here in this pew, tomorrow." All in all, I'm glad he spent so much time. There shouldn't be a limit.


DCBCooper said...

That's so nice! Long, but nice!

Sooz said...

Ceder's butt crack is long? Long, but nice?

emily said...

I think 6:15am is a little early to be discussing lenghths of buttcracks. One needs coffee before that.

Sooz said...

why is this thing posting at wierd times?