Thursday, April 21, 2005

For pure robot comedy go to...


The videos are quite nice. Especially the one called "Avoiding Obstacles" although it is disappointing that the obstacles are not being thrown at ASIMO and he is having to duck them. He is just going around obstacles outlined on the floor. Still, "Bravo, ASIMO!"


Sooz said...

I have a small crush on this robot.

emily said...

He's so cute. He really is just a little kid in a robot suit though, right? We're not headed for I, Robot, right?

emily said...

Okay and it's really creepy when it says the people's names and waves at them and how it raises it's little arms when it runs. eww.

Anonymous said...

If all robots do is antagonize old Asain men, then I'm all about developing robotechnology.

But let's be honest. Soon the robots will turn malevolent, enslave us to their servitude, and then we're all fucked.

It's like that joke:

A robot walks into a bar and orders a whiskey. The bartenders says, sorry, we don't serve robots. The robot says YOU WILL, and enslaves all the humans in the bar.

This small robot is just a ploy.