Tuesday, April 12, 2005

warning to self

When I get dressed tonight for our fundraiser, I will probably do the following:

1. Drink
2. Try on 6-8 dresses and skirts/shirt combinations
3. Stop to watch Friends or something equally as embarrassing
4. Bother my roommates, let the taller one wrap me in something insane, and then start to wimper and stomp about.
5. Dance to that "Killers" song
6. Decide I should go with a "rocker" look
7. After trying on everything black, realize my legs are somewhat unsightly, what with the pale and the scabs and scars. And realize its gotten colder outside now that its dark.
8. Try to make pants sexy, with tops.
9. Discover the only tops I have are tanktops or sweaters. No way out.
10. Put on jeans and same shirt I always wear.


Anonymous said...

1. What's with the lists lately?
2. Are you becoming more organized in documenting the chaos?
3. How long until a list of lists?
4. Did you raise any funds?

DCBCooper said...

Oh but you were so cute! Regardless of what you went through, it was well worth it. And T James, they did raise funds. Good funds!