Thursday, July 13, 2006

Superman for babies

I almost got so distracted by the title of this entry that i couldn't go on. Because it reminded me of that movie Superbabies that I never got to see. I'm still pretty sad that Superbabies is out there and I haven't seen it. Also every day my heart sinks a little further because Riding the Bus with My Sister still goes unviewed by yours truly. Sigh.

But onwards. This weekend I paid 7 dollars and walked into a giant, air conditioned nursery. Complete with seats for viewing and a giant screen to look at. The untrained eye would have thought this was a movie theater, but to Saturday's families of dookie-machines, it was their own private babysitting extravaganza.

First of all, babies cry. Second, people go to movies to get away from their own babies, so why subject them to your babies? Third, if you are holding your baby up in front of the screen, everybody else is viewing Superman With Baby instead of Superman with Giant Rocket.

The babies' cries (and trips to and from the theater) were also accompanied by one of those "Didn't Know This Was A Superhero Movie" guys who sat behind us. So like when Superman's eye rejects a bullet intead of exploding in blood and guts, he was like "OOOOOHHHH HAHAHAHAH HO HO HOOOO!" Because the bad guy had no idea that Superman was bulletproof! What a burn!

The best moment came when the baby's daddy stood up and used the light of Lex Luther's Kryptonite Dagger to pour powdered formula into a water bottle.

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